Venus Retrograde in Aries: Love is a Battlefield ⚔️

Venus Retrograde in Aries: Love is a Battlefield ⚔️


Join Astrologer Candace Marie for an in-depth webinar on one of 2025’s most significant astrological transits. In this webinar Candace discusses how this upcoming Venus Retrograde in Aries is likely going to impact the collective, and why this period is considered a major karmic turning point  

Venus, the planet of love, harmony, and finances will be turning retrograde for roughly 40 days. This astrological phenomenon will take place from the 1st of March to the 12th of April in two different signs, Aries & Pisces! She anticipates this transit will bring many opportunities to untangle karmic blocks and better unite with our heart’s desires. But first, we have to break ties with the past, and uncover something we didn’t see before! It’s only then in the months ahead we can truly be reborn.  

This Venus retrograde takes place alongside eclipse season, as well as a Mercury Retrograde in the same signs. All degrees point to a significant reset with the incoming March 29, 2025 Solar Eclipse in Aries! Throughout the presentation, Candace weaves together all of these cycles along with the Sabian Symbols, to better understand just how impactful this Venus Retrograde is. The effects of this transit will span clear into Spring of 2026!

Topics In This Webinar Include:

  • A review of previous Venus Retrograde cycles in both Aries and Pisces

  • Break down of Venus Retrograde themes

  • Why this is considered a significant turning point for the collective

  • Global, financial, environmental, and relationship predictions for everyone

  • Herbal, crystal, and spiritual recommendations to best work with this intense energy

  • Chord cutting exercises to clear old relationship karma and break free from the past

  • Overview of this retrograde over natal placements 

  • In-depth predictions for all 12 signs

  • And much more!

Bonus Materials :

  • PDFs are included with important dates, peak periods

  • Specific recommendations on Venus altar set up

  • Remedies to help you over the Venus retrograde period

  • How to work with planetary hours for Venus offerings

  • Love baths, and chord cutting rituals to cleanse the heart space for new love 

Runtime: Approximately 3 hours 45 minutes in length.

Delivered via email upon purchase.

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